310 stainless steel sheet with reasonable price
From 1st of Octoter till today 28th of November,we saw a very big rise in prices of stainless steel in our Chinese market,generally calculation the prices are increasing nearly 40% during that period.Now the original mills update their EXW prices every day,that causing their distributors and traders improve their quotation accordingly,the market now is in a big mess.Many international buyers confirmed order with the mills,but when they instructed order to mill and learned that the prices in the Contract can not match current market,so they had to feedback to buyer but few customers reject or doubted,because they cannot understand why the market changed so largely...When we were making clear the real situation that market in China really high diven by raw materials prices adjustment big in mine,oil,coke,electricity etc,they found the they have to accept higher prices due to during their hesistence on new prices,the marketing prices are increased again...
We had an order with customer from Indonesia,they bought 310 stainless steel sheet with you by US$3380/Ton CIF Jakarta on 1st of October,however customer only made payment of deposit on 20th of October,whern we got the deposit,we found the old prices cannot reach for the market and we immediately advised buyer to fix the current prices,because base on Contract,the price validity is 2 days only,but they delayed payment almost half of one month.Then the buyer investigated the market soonest that day and they confirmed us the new price which is US$3590,on that day,we fixed the order and asked mill to started production.As we told buyer that very important is that any time our price in stainless steel sheet with reasonable price,because we are an trustful and serious supplier,we always told truth to buyer and wish buyer could rely trusts to us..This time the prices rise trend is really rare and non-common in our market and history of stainless steel materials in China.
Back to that order of 310 stainless steel sheet from Indonesia,we ensure buyer with reasonable price,it is very lucky that base on immediate confirmation on the new price of US$3590,we saw that price was beated every day till now,the price for 310 stainless steel sheet is reaching US$5780,how much that buyer could save if we see backforward.
We are always doing businesss on basis of mutual trust and relying,we seek for business partner,not only for buy and sell,import and export.We always supply 310 stainless steel sheet with reasonable price.
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