316 Stainless Steel Channel Distributor Price

316 / 316L stainless steel channel is used for applications that require extreme corrosion resistance and resistance to surface pitting. Due to a higher molybdenum and nickel content than 304 alloys, 316 stainless steel provides superior corrosion and surface pitting resistance. These alloys are also high strength, tough and machinable.
Applications:that require superior corrosion resistance, including salt water, marine, petrochemical, chemical, acid and waste water processing applications. Products include structural supports, braces, frames and raceways for equipment, machinery and tank supports, enclosures and housings.
Depths: 1.5" through 8"
Flange Widths: 0.75" through 4”
Keyword: 1. 316 stainless steel Channel ; 2. Steel Channel distributor; 3. Steel price;
Contact Jaway Steel today to a quote on 316 / 316L stainless steel channels.
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